Dr. sc. hum. Birgit Liliensiek

Dr. Birgit Liliensiek studied biology at the University Osnabrück and holds a Ph. D. from the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg. She studied patent law at the University of Applied Sciences in Berlin and business administration at the Open University Hagen.
She gained a broad scientific knowledge as a research scientist at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg and the German Cancer Research Center in microbiology, molecular and cell biology, medical sciences and immunology.
Since 2002 she specialized on IP Management and Technology Transfer with a focus on commercialization of patented life science inventions. In 2006 she joined the Fraunhofer Patent and licensing department and performs IP Management for different Fraunhofer-Life Sciences Institutes.
She has a lot of experience in the handling of IP-matters in the context of different settings of IP-protection, composition and preservation of IP-portfolios and technology transfer (e.g. out-licensing, acquisition of R&D-projects and the use of IP by spin-offs). On a regular basis, she performs trainings concerning employees’ inventions, IPR, general IP-management, writing of studies on IP issues and technology transfer issues. She is a member of LES (Licensing Executives Society) and VPP (Association of Intellectual Property Experts).